Researchers from the Montreal University Mental Health Institute Research Center are invited to contribute, as authors, to the publication of a special issue about new technologies in mental health for the Revue Santé mentale au Québec, directed by the Centre Axel. This is an excellent opportunity to disseminate your research. This will also allow us to further reflect on the utility and challenges of using technology in both mental health research and clinical practice. Finally, this will expose your innovative tools to stakeholders and decision-makers’ attention in the health network.
If you are interested in the project, you can express your initial interest in submitting an article to this issue for an upcoming March 13, 2020 deadline, by contacting Stephane Guay, Director of the Montreal University Mental Health Institute Research Center and Co-Director of the Centre Axel: stephane.guay.cemtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca.
For those who are interested, a 150-word abstract, a proposed title and the names of the authors should be submitted by April 30, 2020 so that we can plan the full composition of the issue, which will include 10 to 12 articles. Your paper should be submitted by the end of September 2020 in order to begin the peer-review process. The special issue will be published in the Spring 2021.
Specific instructions for writing articles (French only)
About Santé mentale au Québec
Santé mentale au Québec has the status of a scientific journal; it is available electronically with Érudit and on the journal's website. The Psychiatry Department is responsible for the academic content and editorial management of the journal. The Department's Director, Dr. François Lespérance, is the Director of the journal. The multidisciplinary editorial board represents the mental health practice and research community. Catherine Briand, is the Editor-in-Chief of the Mosaic section and Marc Corbière is the Editor-in-Chief of the Thematic section. Both are members of the Research Centre of the Montreal University Mental Health Institute Research Center. We invite you to consult the articles on Santé mentale au Québec.
Centre Axel Contact :
Echrak Nechba
Project Manager - Centre Axel
514 251-4015, poste 3527